Importance of Moringa Oleifera tree to human livelihood

Importance of Moringa Oleifera tree to human livelihood: a case study of Isokan local government area in Osun state Azeez, F.A., Nosiru, M.O., Clement, N.A., Awodele, D.A., Ojo, D and Arabomen, O Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, P. M. B. 5054, Jericho Hill, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

It is a perennial softwood tree with timber of low quality, but which for centuries has been advocated for traditional medicinal and industrial uses Moringa Oleifera is an ideal plant to promote at the household level because it is extremely resilient to harsh growing environments, including drought, poor soil quality and many pests and diseases. It is a complete food in itself. Everything about the Moringa Oleifera is nutritious.
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