Moringa Powder

Moringa powder is made from dried Moringa oleifera leaves. Moringa leaves should be dried in an area protected from direct Sunlight to prevent the loss of vitamins. Dried Moringa leaves can be made into powder using a mortar and pestle or simply by rubbing the dried leaves against a fine screen.

Roughly seven pounds of fresh Moringa leaves, dried and ground will provide 1 lb of powder. Moringa powder is soft and fluffy and has dark green color and rich nutty smell.

Moringa powder can be stored for up to 6 months in air-tight containers protected from heat, humidity and light.

Moringa powder - moringa facts
Moringa powder – moringa facts

Moringa powder is full of essential nutrients, containing:

  • 47 Antioxidants
  • 36 Anti-inflammatories
  • 25 Vitamins & Minerals
  • 27% Plant-based protein
  • All 8 essential Amino Acids
  • dietary fiber

Ounce for ounce, Moringa powder contains three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk, even times the Vitamin C found in oranges, three times the potassium of bananas, four times the beta carotene of carrots and more fiber than oats.

All this makes Moringa powder nutrient a rich dietary supplement that can be used on a daily basis as an addition to everyday diet.

Moringa powder is really simple to prepare for intake. The most common use is: one teaspoon of powder mixed with a glass of yogurt, juice, smoothies. It can also be can be added to any meal to make it more nutritious.

Because the nutrient content of Moringa powder decreases if exposed to heat, it should be added after the food or drink has been prepared or before serving. For easier consumption, Moringa powder can be bought encapsulated.